Revisiting the Pachelbel Canon
I keep falling in love with the Pachelbel Canon over and over again. And as I do, I keep on writing about it - in an effort, to try and express, to the best of my meager abilities, how this piece of music continues to envelop and embrace my life through crests and troughs.
There's such an enchanting and ethereal quality to it; a sense of timelessness, of everlasting beauty. No wonder that artistes over generations and decades have continued to deliver such hauntingly beautiful renditions.
'Nostalgia', 'wistfulness', 'longing' are some of the words that come close to describing my emotions while listening to the canon. In a strange way, that only great music can, it even makes sadness less heavy and darkness less oppressive.
This mesmerizing performance (a variation on the canon) by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is my current favorite. Have a listen. :)
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