Hello! Anybody Out There?

"Is anybody out there reading my blog?", this question has been on my mind for quite some time now. Though I write chiefly for my own pleasure and contentment, it does feel wonderful to have my words read by others, and maybe, appreciated as well! It serves as a great confidence booster, a big motivating factor, gives the urge to go on; it is indeed the greatest reward. Just today, when I have been happily receiving and answering new year wishes, messages from two dear friends touched the heart and brought a smile to my face - Please write more, they said.

Whenever I check the 'Audience Stats' section of my blog, it shows me page-views from across the globe. Till date, I have had readers from India, USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Finland, China, Indonesia, Spain, Romania, Belarus, Canada, Netherlands, Thailand, Russia, Malaysia, Poland and a few others I cannot recall. It is a surreal feeling to have my words reach places where I dream of traveling someday.However, it pains me a little that all of them are nameless, faceless. It would be so amazing if you care to leave behind a few words. Would you be kind enough bless me with this gift in this new year ?!

Happy New Year to you all, around the globe, wherever you might be! Hope you keep visiting me. Wish you many 'serendipitous' moments in the coming days (pun intended!)


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