Hello! Anybody Out There?
"Is anybody out there reading my blog?", this question has been on my mind for quite some time now. Though I write chiefly for my own pleasure and contentment, it does feel wonderful to have my words read by others, and maybe, appreciated as well! It serves as a great confidence booster, a big motivating factor, gives the urge to go on; it is indeed the greatest reward. Just today, when I have been happily receiving and answering new year wishes, messages from two dear friends touched the heart and brought a smile to my face - Please write more, they said. Whenever I check the 'Audience Stats' section of my blog, it shows me page-views from across the globe. Till date, I have had readers from India, USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Finland, China, Indonesia, Spain, Romania, Belarus, Canada, Netherlands, Thailand, Russia, Malaysia, Poland and a few others I cannot recall. It is a surreal feeling to have my words reach places where I dream of ...