
Showing posts from October, 2014

Pearls of Wisdom by Tom Hiddleston - HiddlesSpeak (1)

How often do we see a movie star espouse philosophy to eager admirers? How often do we see a movie star espouse philosophy to eager admirers without the least display of condescension ? How often do we see a movie star impart life lessons with such passion? How often do we see a movie star impart life lessons because he truly cares for his admirers and wants them to follow their dreams? How often do we come across a delectable combination of Greek-god looks and incandescent brilliance? How often do we come across a movie star who actually rekindles your interest in academia? The answer to all the above lies in the indescribable magic that is Tom Hiddleston. Like the perfect romantic movie cliché goes, Tom Hiddleston makes me want to be the best person I can each day. Here he is explaining a French quote, something that inspires him ceaselessly. He never sounds pretentious as he talks, just someone who is immensely grateful to have been given an opportunity to sha...

Benedict Cumberbatch shines in the 'Third Star'

For me, movies are not a mere pastime. It is a ride-along, a journey taken together, living life vicariously. Sometimes the line between the real and the reel gets blurred. Sometimes I find it extremely difficult to detach myself from the story and the characters and move on. These are the movies that overwhelm me; they encompass my senses and influence my thoughts and feelings. At times like these movie watching becomes an enlightening and enriching experience; opening the heart and soul to immense beauty. Of the myriad of such cinematic treasures, today I shall talk about one such film which, in a heartbreaking way, brings alive the immortal Shelley quote ' Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts." It is a British film called the 'Third Star', starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the pivotal character James. The enigmatic title is explained in the film when a conversation between the group of friends reveal that James has always misquoted the Pe...